Monday 28 April 2014

How Great? Super Great!

This week has been super great! We have been trying really hard to get members to invite us over for mediodía, because we are getting really tired of eating in piso all day. So we´ve had some great opportunities to try new foods. One of my favorites from the week is called Ceviche and is from Perú. It´s fish with a ton of onions and a lot of lemon juice and tomatos and herbs on a plate and it has something spicy in it. I loved it. They also served Inca Cola with it, which is a drink from Perú that tastes just like bubble gum. This week we have eating visits with a Colombian family and a Spanish family.   I´m excited. We also have a branch barbeque coming up on the first of May because it´s a holiday and no one has work.     I´m super excited, but the missionaries are in charge of some games so we´re super glad we have sisters missionaries here who are super creative and can plan stuff like that. Tonight we are having a family home evening with our two newest converts, Stefanie and Luisa. It should be super fun. One thing I really love about where I´m at is the mix of cultures. You have Spaniards who have their own cultures depending on what part of the country they´re from as well as South Americans who bring with them a mix of cultures and foods. We also have a lot of Nigerians here. There are really a lot here, and they have their own culture and are a lot of fun. And now that summer´s starting there is a lot of tourism of German and British people. I actually translated from Spanish to English for some German tourists that were visiting. That´s all I have for this week. 

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