Monday 28 July 2014

Birdie, birdie, in the sky....

Dear Everyone,
Well this week for the first time in my life, a bird pooped on me. I was just walking along and next thing you know I have a huge green/white stain on the front and back of my shirt because it hit me right on the shoulder. Well I cleaned it up, but the top of my planner is still stained. This week we´ve been doing a lot of finding and a lot of sweating. The sisters got taken out of the area for a week because their apartment is infested with bugs. They´re going to fumigate it while they´re gone. We´ve been having a lot of family home evenings with the members here. It helps strengthen them and we´ve actually found a fair amount of people to teach through members inviting their friends to family home evenings. Overall it´s been a successful week. We also went over to the bishop´s house for a barbeque. He has one of the nicest houses I´ve seen in Spain. I wish you could all come here with me and see the things I´m seeing everyday. I love Spain, it´s a beautiful place. I hope to do some more interesting things this week, so hopefully my next email is longer.

Love Élder Coleman

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Don't Throw The Missionary Out With The Canape!

Dear Everyone,
It´s been hot here. Wow. I am so grateful we have air conditioning. Lately we´ve been doing a lot of finding and working with less actives. It´s been a lot of hard work. We´ve also done 3 moves this week. The last one we did was for a less active family and part of the move included moving something called a canapé ( I put it into google translate and it just says trundle and I don´t know what that is). Anyway it was super heavy and we had to lower it out of the window. There was a little miscommunication and someone almost threw it and me included out the window. Well we ended up saving the thing and I came out with nothing more than a large goose egg on my head. Today the members are taking us up to the mountains again. I´ve been hiking almost every single preparation day this transfer. The landscape of Spain reminds me a lot of back home. Something cool about here though is that you always find old buildings no matter where you go hiking. I feel bad because I don´t really have anything interesting to talk about. This week has been pretty boring. Just keep helping the missionaries wherever you are, they can use all the help they can get. I love you all.

Love Élder Coleman

Monday 14 July 2014

It's Like A Heat Wave!

Dear Everyone,
This week I have been so exhausted. I think it´s the heat. It really drains you. It´s been in the high 20s here in Tarragona. I don´t think it´s dropped below 25º all week. The worst part is we are almost always in view of the Mediterranean, it´s so tempting to just jump in for a little bit. As for the work here, it is going super well. Actually the mission president and the stake president are both super gung ho to open up a brand new area in our ward. There is a town called Tortosa ( you can look it up on Google Maps). It´s super far away from Tarragona, but they belong to the ward here. There are quite a few members out there but almost all are less active because they lack the financial means to travel so far every week. It costs 16 € round trip on train. I´ve been down there a few times and the people are super prepared. So there has been talk of opening up an area and putting missionaries there. In fact they put the petition in to the area presidency and they´re waiting for a reply. It´s really cool to see the church growing here little by little. Well I´ve run out of time for today. Until next week. Hopefully I´ll have pictures next time. It´s just I keep forgetting to charge my camera. Cuidaos

Love Élder Coleman

Monday 7 July 2014

Always running out of time!

Dear Everyone,

Well Canada day went by without any excitement. The 4th of July too. Nothing happened. It was strange. But we have been having fireworks around here recently because of el Día de San Juan. We have had a pretty interesting week. Today in and of itself was interesting. We got a call this morning from the bishop saying that the recent convert family of the chico we baptized recently had their house flood. So we caught a train to their town (they live far away). When we got to their house, there were pots everywhere to catch the water that was dripping from the cieling. The cieling itself was also peeling and falling. It was a mess. But it turns out that we couldn´t really do anything to help until the insurance guy came. It was an interesting day. I´m sort of running out of time, so that´s all for this week! ¡Os echo de menos a todos! Que vaya bien

Love Élder Coleman