Monday 28 April 2014

How Great? Super Great!

This week has been super great! We have been trying really hard to get members to invite us over for mediodía, because we are getting really tired of eating in piso all day. So we´ve had some great opportunities to try new foods. One of my favorites from the week is called Ceviche and is from Perú. It´s fish with a ton of onions and a lot of lemon juice and tomatos and herbs on a plate and it has something spicy in it. I loved it. They also served Inca Cola with it, which is a drink from Perú that tastes just like bubble gum. This week we have eating visits with a Colombian family and a Spanish family.   I´m excited. We also have a branch barbeque coming up on the first of May because it´s a holiday and no one has work.     I´m super excited, but the missionaries are in charge of some games so we´re super glad we have sisters missionaries here who are super creative and can plan stuff like that. Tonight we are having a family home evening with our two newest converts, Stefanie and Luisa. It should be super fun. One thing I really love about where I´m at is the mix of cultures. You have Spaniards who have their own cultures depending on what part of the country they´re from as well as South Americans who bring with them a mix of cultures and foods. We also have a lot of Nigerians here. There are really a lot here, and they have their own culture and are a lot of fun. And now that summer´s starting there is a lot of tourism of German and British people. I actually translated from Spanish to English for some German tourists that were visiting. That´s all I have for this week. 

Monday 21 April 2014

Two for the price of one!

Dear Everyone,
This week was a historic week for the Balearic Islands. We had here in Palma, in the period of a week, 2 members of the Seventy come and do 2 seperate visits. The first was Elder Ruiz de Mendoza who is from Madrid but lives in Logroño. He is a very well educated man and a great speaker. He gave a few firesides. One directed at investigators, recent converts and less actives about the Book of Mormon which was great. He also gave a fireside about marriage, which we did not go to. The second visitor we had was Elder Evans. Elder Evans is a member of the First Quorum of Seventy. He is also the Executive Director of the Missionary Department of the church. That means he has direct responsibility for all missions, all mission presidents, all missionaries throughout the world. Under the direction of Elder Russell M Nelson of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Evans has direct responsibility for missionary work throughout the world. It was the first time in Palma´s history that we have had a member of the First Quorum of Seventy come. He spoke to us missionaries on Saturday and all the zone leaders of the whole mission flew in to be there. Then on Sunday he presided at a District Conference for all the Balearic Islands. We didn´t fit in our chapel so we had to rent out a school´s auditorium. It was the most exciting thing that has happened here in a long while. Sorry I don´t have any photos this time around.

Monday 14 April 2014

Holler for Soller!

This week has been great. We had 2 baptisms this Saturday of 2 wonderful young women from Ecuador. One´s name Stefanie and the other Luisa. Oh, I will attach photos today from our trip to Sóller last week that went well. I´m very excited for Easter because here they do something special. The whole week before Easter is called "Semana Santa" which means Holy Week, and is some sort of procession or something. I don´t really know because I haven´t seen it yet, only heard about it. All I know is that a lot of people are buying dried palm leaves or something like that to throw at Christ´s feet as he comes through the city. At least that´s what my companion told me it´s for. I´ll see if I can get some pictures of that to send you all. Sorry for keeping this so short, but I don´t have a lot of time.

Love Élder Coleman
Cathedral in Soller

On our hike in Soller

The pueblo of Soller 

Elder Oliviera, Luisa, Stefanie, and me

This is the statue in the Plaza next to our apartment.  It's called  Les Enfants de Paris  (The Children of Paris).

Monday 7 April 2014

Climb every mountain!

Dear Everyone,
I hope everyone loved Conference! I know I did. I only saw 3 sessions but I loved what I saw. If you haven´t seen it yet,   it´s online at This past week has gone super fast. I really can´t think of anything interesting that happened besides Conference. Today, we´re going hiking! I´m super excited. I´ve been here in Palma for over 4 months and I have always wanted to go hiking because the moutains here are beautiful. But we´ve never gone, so I planned an activity to go today to a little town called Sóller where there are hiking trails, and I hope to get some good pictures. Other than that, I don´t really know what to talk about. This week has been pretty uninteresting. Actually, since I don´t have anything else to talk about, I´ll include a map of where we´re going today. Well, I hope everyone has a great week. Love you all.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

It's A Small World After All! (Go ahead, and sing the song!)

Dear Everyone,
Today is transfers! I didn´t get transferred and neither did my companion. I´m super excited to still be in Palma, but this is probably my last transfer here. It will be my 4th and it´s not very common to be in an area longer than that. I can´t really think of anything excited that happened this week or anything to write about. Let´s see. Oh, the only other Canadian missionary in the zone left and I´ll be the only one. I´ve told you about Elder Hardy right? Well Elder Hardy has been serving in Manacor (a city in the east part of Mallorca) for a long time. He´s from Calgary Alberta. We also met a man here in Palma named Oliver. He´s from Lethbridge Alberta and stopped the other Elders one day because a lot of his friends have been missionaries and he wanted to know more. He´s pretty young and is trying to find work here teaching English. Elder Hardy was super excited when we told him about Oliver he said "I was born in Lethbridge!!". It´s funny how small the world is. The other day, well a few weeks ago, we contacted a Spanish man on the street. He had worked for many years on an Alaskan cruise line, living in Seattle. He said he knew Vancouver very well also and loved that part of the world. The world is just tiny. I love a lot of things about Spain. I love the food and the culture. If you want to try an amazing Spanish dish, look up how to make Tortilla de Patata or Tortilla Española. They are the same thing and it is super good. It´s available pre made in Mercadona (our supermarket) and I didn´t know that before. I just found out. I have to go buy some. I´ll try to send you all pictures when I can. For now, take care. I´ll try to be more interesting with my email next week.

Preston sighting!  I found this blog and saw photos of Preston when he was at that recent conference!  Go see the photos!    This blog is done by the mission home itself.   I've found at least 3-4 photos of him.  Anytime they talk about the Baleares zone conferences, look for his face!