Thursday 26 September 2013

Still No Visa :(
Dear Everyone,

Today has been a good week. I am loving my zone, we are very comfortable with each other. I am also starting to enjoy teaching lessons more and I feel my Spanish really improving. This week was our last week of going to the Marriot Center for devotionals. The speaker this week was Don R. Clarke of the Seventy. I wrote down a lot of what he said because it really touched me. It was about having the Spirit with you to direct you where to go and always opening your mouth so you don't miss out on opportunities. Still no news on my visa, however most of my district got theirs this week. But that's a Mexico visa, I hear Spain takes way longer. I'm really loving the letters and DearElders I'm getting. It's honestly what I look forward to most each day. Well, besides teaching. And personal study. I feel like there will be much more to write about when I'm in the field because stuff will be happening and not everything will be the same every day. Even the food is pretty much the same every day. But things don't seem to be going as slow anymore. I feel like everything's speeding up. I'm already over halfway done my stay at the MTC here. Well, unless I don't get my visa in time and they decide to keep me here. People have told me stories of other missionaries they knew that couldn't get their visas and the Church didn't want to reassign them because the visa could come at any time, so they just kept them in the MTC for months. I sure hope that doesn't happen to me. Anyway, that's the update on my life esta semana. Until next week!
Here I am in front of the MTC! 

My Aunt Bobbi and Uncle Eric picked me up from the SLC airport and took me to the MTC.  Thank you!!
More photos to come!

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