Tuesday 3 March 2015

Pop goes the missionary, fireworks, eardrums!

Dear Everyone,
Today has been crazy. I´m currently in Valencia. My companion Elder Arriarán finished his mission and is on his way home. We have eaten so much in this past week, saying goodbye to people, I thought I was going to die. My new companion Elder Bartschi gets here tonight (that´s why I´m in Valencia, to pick him up). The crazy thing is, he only has one transfer (6 weeks) left, so I´m going to be finishing off 2 missionaries in a row. The last time was stressful enough, but I´ll survive. I already kind of know him; he´s from Arizona and he´s super interesting so I won´t be bored this transfer. While we were in Valencia this morning dropping off our old companions, Elder Stolk and I got pulled into a crowd of hundreds of people. There was a large police barricade and everything. Then fireworks started going off, but they were so loud I thought I was going to go deaf. It was so loud you could feel each blast on your face. It´s all part of this huge celebration here in the Valencian community called "fallas" (pronounced kind of like figh-yas). There are other things they do on other days. In a couple weeks, there are a bunch of bull fights and I´m going to see if we can go to one. In all the community, including Gandía, there is a large parade of very detailed, well made floats that get set on fire at midnight. We´ll see if we can get some members to video it for us. 

Love, Élder Coleman

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