Monday 23 February 2015

No Really, I Couldn't Eat Another Bite!

Dear Everyone,
This week we didn´t eat in our apartment even once. My companion is going home. He´s finished his 2 years as of next Monday and we have been meeting with all the members for lunch, saying goodbye and all that. I love getting to know all the members and their stories. For example, there is a member here from Holland who married a woman from Bolivia and they have a daughter who just got married and is living in the US. That´s what I love about the mission, everyone has their stories. This week we got a referral from the office for a woman who lived in a far away little town. We called her and turns out she´s a member from Mexico and is married to man who is not a member (not quite sure where he´s from but I don´t think Spanish is his first language). She wanted us to go teach him because she had been teaching him out of the Gospel Principles book for the 2 years they have been married and she said she has been praying every day that the missionaries could visit them so that her and her husband can acheive their goal of being sealed together in the temple one day. The problem is she lives far away in a place called Ontinyent and doesn´t have any money to get to church. Also, even though she pertains to our ward, it seems the closest ward is in Alcoi, which belongs to a whole different mission. I hope to be able to help these people, but I am super grateful to be able to answer this faithful woman´s prayers. Well, that´s pretty much all that I can think of that happened this week. I love you all.

Élder Coleman

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