Monday 23 March 2015

Sore Throat Sunday?

Dear Everyone,
So I´ve been sick. On Saturday, I was starting to feel a little bit under the weather and then I just woke up on Sunday with a fever of 103 and the sorest throat in the world. I´ll tell you right now, that´s probably the worst combo, because when you have a fever you just want to sleep but then every time you swallow, you wake yourself up because of the pain. It sucked. I´m doing better today, but I´m still super out of it. This week we had a fair amount of success. We´re working with this guy named Diego who is really interested. Also, we got a referral of someone who was looking to meet with us a little while ago. We went to out to visit her a few weeks ago, I don´t remember if I wrote about it or not. But basically the wife is a member from Mexico who moved to a tiny town in Spain. The husband´s not a member but wants to be. We went to visit them for the 2nd time on Saturday after already talking to the bishop about their situation and everything and they agreed to make the sacrifice to take a 3 hour train ride, stay overnight at a member´s house, go to church on Sunday, and then go back on another 3 hour train ride. Their faith really impressed me. I´m really glad the fallas (the big party here in the community of Valencia) are over. They were really cool though. We got to see a few of them burn and they are super impressive. I´ll send pictures.

Élder Coleman 

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