Tuesday 31 March 2015

A high of 39 degrees Celsius--wait, that's a fever!

Dear Everyone,
I´m already kicking myself for not bringing my camera to the place where I email. This week has been one of the best. It started out really terrible though. I had the worst sore throat in the world and a fever of 39º. I tried to sleep it off, but I couldn´t even sleep because every time I got close, I swallowed and woke myself up. I got fed up and called the office and told them I thought it was strep throat, so they told me to get myself to Valencia as soon as possible. I dragged my poor companion all the way to the hospital in Valencia, which is an hour and a half train ride plus a 20 minute metro ride plus walking a fair amount in the pouring rain to get to this hospital. I ended up sitting in the emergency room for a while feeling awful. I looked up and saw on the TV the news was talking about a plane that crashed in France and I figured I don´t have it that bad. When they finally looked at me, they said it was pharyngitis which is the family of diseases that includes strep throat. They prescribed antibiotics and on our way home, even though it was super super late, I made my companion stop at a 24 hour pharmacy and we got my antibiotics. I took them that night and boom! the next morning I was perfectly fine. This Saturday had to be one of the best days ever. We had 3 baptisms here and also Diego, our Uruguayan investigator came to the baptism, as well as Antonio and Gloria, the couple that live in Ontinyent where she´s a member and he isn´t. It took a lot of planning to get them there, but they came! Antonio and Gloria also came to church the next day. They were so excited and so grateful. Diego is already going around telling people he´s getting baptized on the 11th. We´re trying to plan so Antonio can get baptized on the 18th. The only thing that worries me is transfers (changes) are coming up on the 14th of April and I might be going. I really want to stay here now that things are really going well. Well that´s all for this week. ¡Os deseo felices pascuas y una feliz semana santa! Recordad que Jesucristo es la razón por la que celebramos estas fechas. Os quiero! I´ll send photos for sure next time.

Élder Coleman

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