Monday 8 September 2014


Dear Everyone,
This week has been pretty interesting. First off, on Monday all 4 of us went over to our Russian recent converts´ house to learn to make a Russian dish. I don´t remember what it´s called but it is like raviolis but filled with different stuff. It´s got meat and onions and a few other things. Well, on our way to their house, a man got off the bus, but before he did, he looked at Elder Arriarrán and me, as we were sitting next to each other, and spat on us. I asked him what his problem was in kind of an unfriendly way and he just replied "¡por mirón!" which loosely translates to "for staring!" Thing is, we weren´t even looking at him. Well I can say I´ve had that experience now. On Tuesday we helped another recent convert family move. I think I said something about a recent convert´s house flooding a little while ago, well we helped move them this week. It was sure an experience seeing as they aren´t the most organized people ever. For example, they showed up an hour and a half later to the church than we had planned. Later that day we went with a less active family to a restaurant as their way of saying thanks to us for changing their tire (if you remember that story). We went to a place called Peggy Sue´s. It´s an American food restuarant modeled to look like a 50´s diner. It had a jukebox and the TVs were only playing comercials from the 50s and 60s. They had pretty good burgers, but what really surprised me was they had Dr Pepper. It´s been such a long time since I´ve seen anything other than Coca Cola and Fanta here. In that less active family, both parents are return missionaries and are always telling us stories from their missions, but I don´t know why they won´t come to church. They have a 9 year old daughter who seems super interested but hasn´t been baptized. Our recent convert Grau, the one we baptized just a couple months ago, has already been to the temple to do baptisms and just yesterday, he got his patriarchal blessing and he was so excited. He is a champ. He takes his home teaching assignments super seriously, always inviting the people he home teaches to go do stuff with him. He´s also having family home evening with his girlfriend´s family, in their house (his girfriend is on a mission in Argentina) and he invited his mom to one. She loved it. Well, that´s about all the news I´ve got this week. I love you all.

Love Élder Coleman

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