Monday 19 May 2014

The trains in Spain are mainly a big pain! (Ok, maybe not, but it rhymed!) And throw in a little Gladiators just for fun.

Alright, today has been a really long day. I so far have not been able to work in my area very much because we´ve had to go to Barcelona many times in the past week. To get there, we have to take a train and then 2 or 3 metro lines to get to our destination. And then the same thing to get back. It takes a long time (like 2 hours each way) and it is very expensive. Good thing the mission reimburses us for transportation expenses so that we can have the money we need to eat. But still, until the reimbursals come in, I am pretty poor. Our ward is super great here. Yes, it´s a ward. It´s pretty different because Palma is such a big city and there are 2 branches and here Tarragona is a tiny little place and they have a huge ward. It´s part of the Hospitalet stake and our ward leaders are super great. So far we don´t have anything super exciting that´s happened. Well, we took half of our preparation day on Saturday because we had specialized training today in Barcelona. (That´s why I´m emailing so late). We went to a Gladiator fight here in Tarragona. Tarragona is an ancient Roman city and has an actual Roman amphitheater here, kind of like a mini Colosseum. So we went and watched some Gladiator fights they did here, but don´t worry, nobody died. The most that happened was a few scratches. I´ll be sure to include some pictures of that.  

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