Monday 20 April 2015

Another baptism coming up!

Dear Everyone,
We went out to visit Antonio and Gloria this week and Antonio is going to be baptized this week! He was a little confused at first when we invited him a while ago, but it´s because he thought he had to wait a year to be baptized. When he found out it was just the beginning, he got super excited and now he´s going to be baptized this Saturday. Both of them are very excited. Also, we´ve been helping a British couple that moved into the ward to unload all their stuff and then get it organized in their house. I didn´t know how many people in our ward speak English until they came and started talking to everyone. So far, we´re still doing the same thing every day. We just go and knock doors all day trying to find more people to teach. It isn´t the most interesting thing in the world, but I enjoy talking to the people. But basically, this week has been pretty uninteresting, besides the fact that it´s roasting hot. Next week I´ll write a lot more and send pictures of our baptism.

Élder Coleman

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