Monday 3 November 2014

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Dear Everyone,

This week has been feeling a little bit like Christmas. We´ve got Christmas tunes going in our apartment and it´s been predicted to snow in the mountains tomorrow. It´s been getting pretty nippy here. It´s been a week full of little tasks along with our regular missionary work. We have been trying to get ourselves library cards because you get an hour of free computer time a day. That would help us a ton because often we need to quickly download a video or type up a form or email the ward mission leader something, and it adds up when you go to a locutorio (cyber cafe). Also I´ve been trying to find a good dentist here, really my quest started yesterday. I have this shooting pain in my tooth that Sister Pace (the mission president´s wife) says sounds exactly like a cavity. So I´m trying to talk with the members and find the best place here so they can fix that really quick. Halloween was a blast here. We didn´t dress up or anything, but we had a ward night and watched Work and the Glory 2 with lots of candy. Guess where the candy came from? As we were walking out of the metro to go home one night, I looked down and saw a 50€ bill on the ground! That´s insane good luck. So we decided to spend it on candy and cupcakes and decorations for the ward night. It was great fun. We´ve been meeting with some really great people. As we were talking to people in the park, we contacted this Jehova´s Witness man who was super excited to talk to us and practice his English. We´ve talked to him twice now and it´s mostly just asking us questions about the Bible and comparing our religions, but this last time he said "next time we meet, you tell me about that book you guys use". We´re also working a lot through members, visiting them and meeting their non member or less active family. It is a wonderful door to missionary work, and a lot more effective than street contacting or door knocking. Oh a fun little side note, we saw a band doing a show in the park the other day and they were singing all their songs in English, but the singer had such a bad accent that I couldn´t understand anything. It made all their songs sound rediculous to me even though they were great musicians. I got a video of it that I get over to you guys somehow. Take care all!

Love Élder Coleman

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