Tuesday 12 August 2014

It's a sad, sweltering, service kind of week.

Dear Everyone,
This week has been a weird one. Super interesting but sad at the same time. Well last Sunday, the 3rd, 4 people came to church from France. They were members of the church on vacation from France and I talked with them and helped in some of the communication. So during the week I get a phone call saying one of the French members was in the hospital and they want me to come help with translation. Well, we were super far away from the hospital at that point, so I couldn´t. But the next day I went with a sister from the ward to visit and turns out he´s in a coma from a stroke. The whole family had driven down from France to see him and they were all in tears. I found out that they were just waiting for all the children to drive down so they could pull the plug and let him go. It was a huge shock for me. Anyway, he passed away on Saturday. On a lighter note, I changed a tire for the first time on the mission. I remember doing it once with my grandpa and I remembered most of the steps, but this European cars hide everything so well that it took us 30 minutes to find the jack, the wrench and the lever that lowers the spare tire down. This week also, we´ve been dying of heat. It´s absolutely oppresive. The way the humidity is here, even if you go into the shade, it´s just as hot as directly in the sun. The only relief we have is our apartment with air conditioning. Well, my time´s up for this week. I hope everyone´s doing great. 

Love Élder Coleman

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