Tuesday 7 January 2014

¡Feliz Dia de Los Reyes!

Dear Everyone,
These past couple weeks have been good but hard. Good because we´ve been finding a lot of people to teach. Hard because nobody wants to meet until after the fiestas. So we haven´t really had as many visits as normal lately. In Spain they have 3 holidays in a row. Christmas and New Years of course, but they also celebrate Dia de los Reyes Magos, which might be even bigger than Christmas here. It´s on January 6th and it´s a holiday celebrating the 3 kings that brought gifts to Christ following the star. There was a big parade, which we did not go see, but heard it was pretty big. Also, today is Rebajas which is super exciting. It´s like Boxing Day in Canada or Black Friday in the States. It´s just huge sales and things are super cheap at almost every store. So today we are going to go to Porto Pi, where they have a huge mall and I can buy white missionary shirts for cheap. And socks too. All my socks have holes in them. I have found that there are a lot of good places to shop here. In Palma they have a Corte Ingles which is huge and like a big American department store. Also they have an outlet mall in Marratxí with a lot of American and European stores. And then Porto Pi is a big touristy looking shopping center. Whenever we go out towards there we always hear British tourists speaking English. I hear English all the time in the street, but it´s always British people. I´ve only ever heard Americans speaking once I think, besides missionaries. I am getting a lot better at speaking the language and especially at understanding. I can understand almost everything from most people. It depends on the accent still. There are some accents I still have a hard time understanding anything. I´ve already told you that the Cuban and Dominican accents are super hard, but I want to add to that list Andalucía, which is the name of an area in the south of Spain. They are so hard to understand. Our branch mission leader is from Granada in Andalucía and I can´t understand a word he says. I want you all to know that I love the work, I love being a missionary, I love Spain, and I love serving the Lord.

Elder Coleman

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