Monday 10 February 2014

A baptism, a beautiful view, and better with the language

Dear Everyone,
This week has been amazing. On Saturday, I performed the baptism of Blanca, our amazing investigator. She is about 60 years old, Spaniard, and very very sweet. When we first met with her, she only met with us because she was being nice. She had her own beliefs and told us they would not change any time soon. She didn´t believe in Jesus Christ, or the Bible. She believed in God, but as more of an energy that moves everything and not a physical being. But as she read the Book of Mormon and prayed every night, and continued to meet with us, the Spirit testified of the truth of our message and changed her heart. She was so grateful to me for baptizing her, and she bore a testimony right after her baptism that made another investigator that we had brought to watch the baptism cry. I will attach pictures of the baptism. This last week, we went to one of the most beautiful places I´ve ever seen in my entire life. It´s called Cap de Formentor. It´s the very northernmost tip of the island and there is a lighthouse there that is beautiful. The views up there rival any I´ve ever seen. I´ve also gotten a lot better at the language just this week. I´ve felt a shift in my ability and I feel a lot more comfortable speaking it. It´s just been a really really good week.

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