Tuesday 17 December 2013

Dear Everyone,
This week we got sick. Well, I just have the sniffles, but my companions are all sick with sore throats and such. Other than that, it´s been a very productive week. We found a lot of new investigators last week. I´m growing to really like street contacting. Although I know it´s not nearly as effective as working through the members. During weekly planning this week, we came up with some great ideas for working with members. I am excited to start putting them into practice. On another note, Elder Dayes is leaving tomorrow. Leaving, leaving. To go home. Elder Dayes is Elder Burnett´s companion and they share our piso (apartment). It´s sad yet exciting for him. He´s pretty excited to be home for Christmas. He gave his farewell talk in Church yesterday. How it works here is there are 12 missionaries in the city of Palma. 6 are over one branch and 6 over the other. Our branch is named Poniente and the other is Levante. In Poniente there are Elder McMahon and I, Elder Dayes and Elder Burnett, Sister Wallace and Sister Bennet. Both branches share the same building. Levante´s services are at 10 am and ours starts at 4pm, which is super late. Yesterday, one of the speakers, Julio (who was just baptized in julio of this year and is already the branch mission lĂ­der) talked way past his time and Elder Dayes gave a really quick testimony. It was pretty funny actually. The branch president got up and handed a note to Julio so that he would wrap it up and I saw it afterwards. It said "Hermano, su tiempo ha terminado. Gracias". He laughed about it and overall, it was a good Sunday. I don´t know if I´ve mentioned this yet, but since the cuture is different here, we have a different time schedule. We still follow the missionary schedule, but shifted forward an hour. So we wake up at 7:30 and go to bed at 11:30 because people wake up later and are out later here. Anway, that´s all for this week. I´m excited for today because we´re going to go visit a castle for preparation day. Until next week. Love you all,

Elder Coleman

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